Sunday, March 12, 2023

The Yellow Peril

The global campaign against TikTok and the resurgence of the lab-leak theory on the origin of Covid are splendid illustrations of the points in my last post.


Demonizing TikTok once more attributes a phenomenon to a pole on the dimension or rather dichotomy of us the absolute good vs them the utterly bad. It thus imposes these poles on the dimension American high-tech and social media vs Chinese high-tech and social media.


An app which constitutes a bridge between the two sides of the world is to be choked. From the existence and origin of TikTok people could get the impression that the Chinese are not that different, that they have and use things like social media just like us. This will not do. The young generation must learn to hate the Chinese, learn to see them as weird and alien. And as such they are of course also guilty of the Corona pandemic. Words like China-virus and China-app have clear racist connotations.


Economic interests are never absent in God’s own country. Indeed, killing TikTok will also liberate American social media from competition. But presently the anti-Chinese mood in America looks like a generalized fear disorder.


In Europe and elsewhere many governments and even local administrations follow the American line and ban TikTok on public hardware. Increasingly the premises postulated by US politicians are believed. And from 1) Seen through the polarizing world view China is wholly bad and 2) Spying by countries through social media is possible, it follows logically 3) that the Chinese Communist Party does spy on us through TikTok. As pointed out by several IT experts such activity by TikTok has never been proven and is only a theoretical possibility. It is often claimed that TikTok collects more data than other apps despite the fact that this has been disproven by neutral experts. Now the Chinese company is even accused of brainwashing Westerners, making them support Chinese and Russian views. This despite the widespread use of TikTok against Russia by Ukrainians. The app (rather than contagion from certain of its influencers) can even cause tics. Soon we may again hear that IT hardware produced in China, including products from US companies contain invisible rice-grain sized micro-chips which transmit intelligence to the Chinese Communist Party. Even such claims will probably be believed by some Europeans.


Politicians and the public have once more forgotten or repressed the lessons from Snowden. These lessons showed that American espionage through US-based social media is not only theoretically possible, but is a fact. And what’s more serious, the US intelligence agencies are not limited to this. They have direct trunks into the cables through which both TikTok, America-based social media and most global and local, private and public communications run. In addition the United States and its vassals spy directly on leading allied politicians.


Lobbying from US politicians is very successful in convincing Europeans and others that the world only has one global dimension and only two poles, the good democratic peaceful nations and the evil authoritarian expansionist nations. This implies that America and Europe are equated, and that we are told that also Russia and China are one united pole and that China therefore has plans to deliver weapons to Putin. That Russia is coupled with China also adds evilness to the latter in the view of the European political and public opinion which rightly is preoccupied with the indeed condemnable invasion in Ukraine.


And do the opponents of the West act in ways which could disprove the Western world view? No, on the contrary. Instead they seem to work to confirm the relevance and the poles of the dichotomous dimension. Meeting Lukashenko instead of Zelenskyy does not look very neutral. Sending balloons over enemy territory looks as a clumsy way to illustrate the will to spy. Calling even WWF foreign agents or a unanimous vote by the NPC strengthening autocratic rule supports the picture of an alien block consisting of China and Russia, a block united by the common trait of an almost North Korean type rule. If there should exist acts or intentions which could nuance these impressions, then they will not be noticed.


Merkel said: “Ausspähen unter Freunden, das geht gar nicht”. But in a world of ultimate good and evil it is perhaps okay for the Europeans that the American friends spy on them? If the Chinese are evil spies, then the Americans must be benevolent spies. After all, Uncle Joe Biden is a nice elderly gentleman. But the idea of a world with two poles, a good and an evil, is and will be challenged by facts. US subsidies for domestic production are already now harming the EU. And because of the polarization and competition of the American parties US politicians will increasingly demand more protectionist measures also against America’s weak friends. The growing ruthlessness in US politics will cause an arrogant, exploitative and coercive treatment of allied countries. And what about a second or third Trump no matter what he is actually called and no matter if he has a brain or not? The present phase of Europe and America united by mutual friendship could be a short anomaly. In Washington East Europe may soon be viewed as an appendix which in comparison with the Pacific front is of limited interest and not worth defending for billions of dollars. Then if not earlier the Europeans must finally realize that the World may have more than two poles and more than one dichotomy.


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