Monday, August 17, 2020

Election fraud

 The president of the United States is working to decimate the postal service in order to prevent postal votes from reaching  the counting after the presidential election.  


Distorting the representation of parts of the population through manipulating or not updating electoral districts is one thing. It is nothing new; we saw it as early as 200 years ago in the controversy over the so-called rotten boroughs in England.


But it is something completely different to prevent the counting of votes already cast. Such manipulations of election results belong to authoritarian regimes. It is inconceivable in a fully democratic country, especially in a nation known as the leader of the free world. If Trump is allowed to proceed with these actions, the United States will have taken an unbelievably deep step downwards. The descent towards a status like that of Belarus will have begun.


That the conditions of the United States should move this far was to be expected in the present century. But that it may happen as early as in the year 2020 is surprising and very worrying.