The signs of the political decline characterizing Late Modernity which we are now entering are multiplying. They take many forms as we talk about a broad spectrum of changes affecting both the populations, the media and the political world. Denial of scientific facts, demagogical mob rule, politicians over-reacting or being childish and provocative when dealing with internal and int’l opponents, cult of personality, prolongations of period of rule, politics as such being replaced by stubbornly taking the opposite view of the opponents or just following the personal moods or tantrums of the leader.
In itself this decline is neither good nor bad, it is just a Sign o’ the Times. But for the present condition of the World and humanity it definitely has negative consequences. Also, despite it being a sign, there still is a degree of freedom of choice. The decline can be made weaker or stronger.
In dealing with phenomena like Covid-19, climate change and famine, the intelligent policies and attitudes which characterize the phase of Mature Modernity, the period we are leaving, are definitely better suited.
The different signs of the decline have different effects. For example the increasing power of a leader can have beneficial consequences if the leader is qualified. It is negative if he or she is or with age becomes erratic or despotically focused on own power rather than servicing the nation. Further, it is bad if the precedence created for strong and admired leaders is transferred to an unsuited successor.
Looking at the political parties in the leading countries of the Globe, the GOP clearly tops the immaturity rank. Examples are not necessary, but clearly for many leading persons in this party power and money and phanatical views are more important than the destiny of humanity and their own country. They gladly suppress democracy and risk provoking violent conflicts in the United States.
The major German political parties top the list on the maturity rank. Even though we do see that the leaders mean more for the choice of the voters than before, German politics is a light tower for the whole world radiating moral and maturity.
In troubled times we must focus on the relatively few mature developments. Besides Germany the increasing coordination against climate change is a such good sign.
And looking at concrete measures, it is applaudable that the recent US intelligence report into the origin of the Corona virus concluded that the virus was not designed as a weapon. This was a scientifically sound conclusion, but as plenty of examples show, it could easily have been overruled by a desire to slander the enemy.
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