The Middle
East, Rome and the United States
As reaction
to the observer status granted to Palestine by the UN, Israel has decided to
establish another settlement. This will separate the Palestinian area on the
West Bank in three parts: North, South and East Jerusalem, areas without direct
connection. The parallel to the Bantustans of the Apartheid Regime could not be
more clear.
Today I
will point to clear parallels between on the one side Rome and the Middle East
2000 years ago and on the other side the United States and the Middle East
today. The Middle East then and now hosts the same civilization, the one I term
the Oriental-Arab. The Jews have changed their role between the two situations.
Two thousand years ago they were an integral part of the Oriental Civilization
and culture. Now they are a part of the Western Civilization.
At that
time this Oriental Civilization was in naissance, now it is old and fighting for survival in the light of
increasing Western dominance. Today parts of the populations have been
culturally assimilated like the whole of
China and India today, see This is the case for the middle class and city
populations in more states in the Golf and North Africa and indeed Iran. But still considerable parts of the Middle
East resist the West. Not only originally nomadic and backward rural
populations like Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan’s North West, Sudan and Somalia,
but also the rural and poor parts of the
populations in countries like Egypt, Jordan, Syria and yes, Iran are
still keeping up resistance. This can be seen on the support for president
Morsi and the two Islamist parties in Egypt right now.
resistance not only arises because another and different civilization is taking
over militarily, politically and culturally. Also the fact that the West now is
in its modernity, where the Middle East has left this phase 900 years ago. This
distance in historical phase adds to the feeling on both sides of
dissimilarity. In Roman times the Romans were in their modernity, while the Middle
East was 700 years before its own.
handled the Orientals in a very clumsy manner. Roman leaders, businessmen,
publicans and sinners robbed the populations.
In 88 BC
king Mithridates of Pontus in one day
slaughtered 80.000 roman businessmen. This was aided by the local populations
in the East. The attack on the World Trade Centre by Bin Laden is a clear
symbolic equivalent. In both cases it expresses the contempt for a world power
obsessed by the thirst for money.
Later the
Jews stood for much of the resistance. The Macccabeans had thrown the
Hellenistic "western" Seleucids out in 165 BC. But the westernization
had continued in parts of the population in Jewish Palestine. Others opposed
this like the Zealots. In the meanwhile
the Romans entered.
Now the
extreme of the Jews assumed the same role as the Islamic terrorists today. The
merciless fight against the "western" Romans started. As the Jews
were already widespread and became even more so, the fight engulfed large parts
of the eastern Mediterranean. This continued and flared up again and again in the Jewish war in 66-70 and the
Bar Kokhba revolt 132-136. And not least in the Diaspora revolt 115-117 AD.
Hundreds of thousands of Romans were killed.
That the
Jews were the front runners of the
Middle Eastern or Oriental civilization might sound a bit odd today. But it is
only because today the Jews are totally culturally assimilated in the West.
Israel is with some right seen as a western occupation force in the heart of
another civilization. Two thousand years ago the Jews were a part of the
emerging civilization which I term the Oriental-Arab. Even though this
civilization in the first 600 years in religious matters was dominated by
Christianity and Parsism and then by Islam, it really is one cultural unity.
The Jews has until the last couple of centuries been a part of this
civilization too. Only with the dominance of our civilization have they become
a part of the West.
As the
Jews, so also Christianity was originally a part of the Oriental civilization
and culture.
America. Learn from the experience of the Romans. Too aggressive policies
toward the opposition in the Middle East and especially support for the
irresponsible Israeli government will just increase the opposition from the
non-assimilated people in the Middle East and increase the support for these
groups and thereby terrorists.
Republicans must stop to like Netanyahu, just because he is no friend of Obama
and because he is right wing just like us.
invasion of Iraq was a fatal error. Saddam Hussein did not support Bin Laden,
and he did not have weopons of mass destruction. Instead he stabilized the many
different peoples in Iraq. And he was secular and thus a westerner! Now the
anti-western extremists are loose. Syria will no doubt end the same place, when Assad falls. Afghanistan
is not won by the west and cannot be. Rather if the USA and its allies leave,
the Taliban will come back.
So to keep
control over the terrorist threat, the USA will have to control Iraq and
Afghanistan indefinitely.
Yemen and
North-western Pakistan is on the road in
the same direction. Syria will sooner or later also have to be put under
American control. And what about northern Mali? And later perhaps North Sudan
or Somalia?.
America is
by the fight against terrorism being forced to control all these states. They
will be de facto American provinces. At the same time this will increase
opposition from the not assimilated like the terrorists and even bring support for these people from the more westernized populations.
development is hard to handle. The West cannot just let areas of the size of
Europe become terrorist nests. But with a more balanced policy the USA can hope
to keep the extreme anti-western sentiments from spreading to population
segments which were about to become westernized. Disappointment over the chaos
and lack of economic development after the Arab Spring can quickly cool the
interest in westernization. Unwise American policies would add considerably to
alone the cultural influence from the west is inspiring opposition. There is no
need to let wrong policies aggravate things further.
history shows the extent of the possible resistance from the Oriental
civilization. The only hope for the Americans of avoiding the same scale
violence, is that the oriental civilization was then in the beginning about to
rise. Today it is old. Therefore the resistance might fall more quickly. But
one-sided and narrow minded American policies backing Israeli right wing
governments can prolong the resistance from parts of the Middle East. This will
inevitably lead to more terrorism.
So clumsy,
oppressive and pro-Israeli polices will increase the resistance toward the West
in the Middle East. Resistance will lead to internal state splitting and chaos
and lead to more terrorism. This again will force the Americans to intervention
and invasions, More and more countries will come under direct American control.
Two thousand years ago Rome also had to occupy more and more countries because
of rising chaos, whivh they had themselves contributed to. There was even that
times version of Somali pirates operating from Asia Minor.
occupation and direct control of opposing
countries may seem good, but it will be controlled states with unwilling
populations. It may be better with less direct control over culturally
assimilated populations.
You do not
want to figure as the publicans and sinners in a future Bible. Unless of course
like some of those in the past you repent.
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