to democracy (see also Int'l aspects)
Many people
have doubted my assumption that democracy should be replaced by an autocratic
sort of an emperor. Of course this does not happen just because it has been the case in old Rome and
other civilizations. It happens because of developments within our
civilizations. And it is these developments which parallels those in Rome, and they
could lead to the same result unless we take care.
There are
more developments that in an imperative manner demand
control to prevent instability, crises, chaos and suffering. This control could
and should be exercised in a way that preserves a degree of democracy and
choice instead of as in Rome be leading toward the unification and autocratization
of world rule in the hands of one ruler.
I am talking of at least the following
1. External chaos in the World. As described in This can take the form of terrorism. But it
also has the form of wars, refugees, suffering because of misgovernment etc.
Terrorism necessitates the leading powers to control outside countries. It can
also be used as a reason to limit internal freedom.
2. Something which has been seen in earlier
civilizations like in old Mesopotamia (salination of agrarian areas), but could
be far worse in our case are ecological threats. Especially global warming can
alter the Earth, lead to enormous streams of refugees and wars for inhabitable
land like in the Mayan World.
4. The decline of the media. Earlier the
medias were the forth power controlling politicians and acting as organs of parties.
Now it is more focusing on here and now scandals, sensations and simple gossip
about irrelevant entertainment stars as described in Am Besten nichts Neues (2010) by Tom Schimmeck.
5. The dominance of the markets. They rule
as an autonomous force ignoring everything for the shortsighted gain of money,
thereby making wise and long sighted politics impossible and bringing about
crises and devaluating whole nations as mentioned in
6. The decline of politics itself. This
is the subject of today’s blog-post.
7. Economic pressure from crises. It is important to see that this factor often has been seen to press democracy
like in Europe in the thirties of the last century. But today the other factors
work against democracy even without economic crisis. Of course economic strains
will just further aggravate the situation.
But to today’s
The Decline of Politics
Democracy in the full sense of
the word is impossible without a completely educated, informed and
intelligent population. Without this it is necessary that rule comes from an elite in the form of a
few parties. This elite is self-sustaining, recruits its own new members,
produces state leaders and to a large extent rules the voters through various channels,
not least through the media.
So true democracy is only possible with an
ideal population, which does not exist. Even the best approximation,
Scandinavia, has not been a real democracy. Total democracy
without this enlightened population is chaos! The viable alternative to an enlightened
population has been the part control from responsible party elites.
Great Britain, Scandinavia, Benelux, The
USA, Canada and since WW2 Germany and Japan have all been examples of stable
democracies, where an elite to a certain extent rules the voters. They are or were still democratic in the
sense, that there was a choice
between the parties, even though these through the media to a certain extent
controlled parts of the voters. This control was important, because without it
extreme viewpoints would break into the political system and disrupt stable and
long term policies. That is what is happening now. The control is loosened
because of changes in the media and the population.
So what could be reached was not full
democracy, but the best possible approximation. This should always be the
objective, also under the present deteriorating circumstances.
The secret of political stability is the
balance of forces in a society. The encompassing of the different societal
interests within the political system. This is also very close to what could or
should be called democracy. Rousseau defined democracy as the dictatorship of
the majority over the minority. But this is not true. Stable democracy is the
taking all important forces and interests in society into account and doing
this from a long term viewpoint.
This demands the rule of responsible forces that are a) willing to compromise
and b) are not too extreme.
In old England the Whigs and Tories balanced each other. In many European countries in
the 20th century the hearing of interest organizations and experts balanced the power of political parties at
In France in the 5th Republic the Strong
president and the parliament balanced each
other. The same is the case in the United
In the USA Democrats and Republicans also
limit the power of each other.
Stable and mature democracy is characterized
by the following:
- Hearing of groups and forces concerned by
decisions to be taken by governments and parliaments.
- Stable party landscape.
- Parties with lasting attitudes, that did not
change from day to day.
- Politicians willing to make compromises
with other parties and societal forces.
- Loyal party voters.
- Party owned media beside responsible independent
These stabilities now become threatened in
more ways.
1. Politicians ignore advise from the
concerned people, groups and experts.
2. The emergence of populist and extreme groups
with irresponsible extreme views disturbs the balances. This makes compromises
with political forces and society groups impossible.
The American right
wing represent the same phenomenon as the populist parties in Europe.
In Belgium the Flemish nationalists proposed that French-speakers should be expelled from Brussels! In the Netherlands and
Scandinavia Islam is demonized as fascism.
3. Politics are not guided by long
term party attitudes, but by media
storms and transient popular sentiments and opinion polls, as started by Tony
4. Populism comes not only from populist
parties. Also politicians from the old parties use populist viewpoints.
Ministers from the British government sound like a mob.
Parts of the Republican party in the US are more and more uncompromising toward
the Democrats making effective government impossible.
5. Young
and inexperienced politicians reach high positions in Europe.
6. Parties become ruled from the top. The
party leader is more important for the voters, the public and the media than
the party program.
In political maturity Northern Europe and
North America have moved farthest. especially Scandinavia, Benelux and the UK. France and the United states to a lesser
extent with their focus on the leaders of parties. Now we see the decline in
all these states.
Southern Europe
never became as highly developed
democracies. Italy had after WW 2 a long time
a stable balance between Christian Democrats and Communists. This has since the
80es in a shocking way been dissolved into a
chaotic party landscape culminating in the clown Berlusconi. And this before
the onset of the economic crisis. Spain and Greece only regained democracy very
late, and one must fear the effects of the economic strains today on their
political systems. Countries in the Third World which reach democracy, seldom
reach very mature levels before the tide could change backwards here as well.
Since WW 2 Germany has emerged as an extremely mature political system. Even new protest parties like the Greens have
become integrated in the stable responsible and responsive political system. Let’s
hope the Pirate Party will not succeed in disturbing this!
So Germany is the last strong
champion of a mature political Modernity. The USA is the champion of the movement
towards a future after Modernity because it is a)
characterized by the political decline and superficiality and lack of good
public education and b) is the leading country in the World and inspires all
the World.
In more countries the executive power is strengthened. Not least in the United
States where President Bush Jr. started abusing the Signing Statements
to reinterpret laws passed by Congress, and changed law texts without the
knowledge of Congress members before they are about to vote on them.
This was mostly as a response to terrorism. But it will also become a necessity in order to
control the internal political instability. To make sure that stable and
lasting long term policies are carried out without the continuous shifts brought
about by popular sentiments, the press, the net mob and populist political
forces. The uncompromising attitude from certain Republicans will make it imperative for Obama to rule through decrees.
This strengthening of the executive was
what people like Caesar did in the corresponding situation in Rome.
It must be clear that a stronger executive
is the best solution. But it must not become too personalized. This tendency toward
personalization of power is also a part of political decline. And the executive
must of course not become too strong. The idea was to preserve democracy, not
to exterminate it.
The best solution would be a return to
mature democracy. But this does not seem possible as politics is not an island.
The other factors will still be declined even if politics reform to more stable
levels. In an open market society it is not possible to control the public or
the media. So the means must in the beginning be within politics itself.
So the answer to the threats to democracy
gets somewhat contradictory. To save democracy, a responsible and responsive
elite must limit it. Of course only limit as much as just needed. Cesar should
not be replaced by Nero, but by a responsible elite. A solely personal rule is
not better than dictators in the Third World. It is no long term solution. A
genius can be followed by a jerk.
We will need a stronger executive under
these conditions:
1. Be as democratic as possible.
A less
educated population like in the USA is more vulnerable to seduction from the decaying
parts of the media and politics. This will make further executive control and less democracy necessary. So better education is
imperative to ensure a maximum of democracy. A such
population can also act as a control over the executive.
2. Rule wisely, meaning:
Respond and act responsively to all important groups, powers and needs in
society in a balanced way. Act from a long
term viewpoint.
3. Come from an informed and courageous
elite rather than single persons.